Demo on proposal of research

                    This research was designed to fill the gap in the existing body of knowledge
Regards attitudes towards online shopping and differences in electronic services quality
Perception between two different geographical and cultural countries, in addition this research extended previous effort in online shopping context by providing evidence that service quality increase consumer trust perception, which in turn results in favorable attitude toward online shopping, with risk perception moderating the impact on consumer’s trust. In many previous researches, focus has been found in the relationship between consumer trust and its antecedents.  Researchers have also established that online purchase intentions are the product of consumer trust. The objective of this study is to reexamine some factors affecting consumer trust in
Online shopping in various parts of country as well as to investigate the effect of risk aversion as a moderator on the relationship between trusts and purchase intention. This paper provided
Evidence that trust in Internet shopping is built on high service quality as well as website quality. Size of online retailers is found to be negatively related to trust. Notably, risk aversion moderates negatively on the effect of trust toward consumer purchase intention. Implications and suggestions for further research are also provided in the study

Table of contents
1.   Introduction……………………………………
2.   Literature review………………………………
3.   Research model and hypotheses………………
4.   Methodology…………………………………..
5.   Findings and Analysis…………………………
6.   Discussions and Implications……..
7.   Limitations and Future Research…
8.   Conclusion………………………………..

    List of Figures  

List of Tables

1.            Introduction

1.1.        Statement of the problem

The adoption of the Internet as a way to purchase goods and services has seen an increasing trend over the past two decades globally. Compared to traditional shopping, the Internet not only facilitates transactions between buyers and sellers from anywhere at any time, but also provides a wide range of product choices and a platform for exchanging ideas for customers with low costs. To achieve the success of electronic commerce, companies place great emphasis on attracting customers continuously and building long-term relationship with customers on the web. However, people still remain reluctant to make purchases on the Internet due to the lack of trust toward businesses in the new electronic environment. Past researches have indicated that consumers’ lack of trust constituted a key barrier to the use of Internet shopping as well as long-term commitment to the relationship building. According to NEPSOL and Report on ecommerce Trends in Nepal, (2015) identified lack of consumer trust in Internet vendors as a major factor inhibiting online purchases. Trust plays an essential role for facilitating online transactions between consumers and electronic retailers and realizing the development of e-commerce to consumers in the Nepal

1.2.      Objectives of study

Although the Internet offers enormous advantages which seem to attract massive interest of customers, recent survey showed that the penetration rate of online purchasing stayed relatively low, especially in Nepal.
According to the most recent survey on NEPSOL and Report on ecommerce Trends in Nepal the popularity of online shopping among all Internet users has just show few percentage in the Some Major cities in 2015. However, previous studies that only focus on trust of consumers provide a limited view of the phenomenon and may hinder a comprehensive understanding of the consumer purchasing behavior in the e-commerce context in Nepal. In part, this stems from the cultural values that shape the consumer characteristics and influence the relationship between trust and consumer purchase intention on the web. Previous Literature and Report on ecommerce Trends in Nepal, observed that risk aversion as one of the cultural dimensions affects consumers’ decision-making. As trust indicates the level of consumers’ perceived risk in the Internet shopping, different degrees of their risk aversion may have non-ignorable effects on the online buying behavior


2.      Literature Review

2.1.        The concept of trust in Internet shopping
Before a review of previous literatures on trust in the context of Internet shopping, we first need to have a look at general definitions of trust in various disciplines. The concept “trust” is defined as the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other will perform a particular action important to the trust or, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party (Mayer, Davis and Schoorman, 1995). This definition is widely
Recognized and commonly cited in other researchers’   work.  Later
Doney and Cannon (1997) defined trust as the perceived credibility and benevolence of a target of trust. According to another two researchers,  Lewis and Weigert (1985),  trust is  further identified  as  “the understanding of a risky course of action on the confident expectation that all persons involved in the action will act competently and dutifully”
(p.971). And precisely, Bhattacharya, Devinney and Pillutla (1998) and Boon and Holmes (1991) conceived trust as predictability and reliance upon another person under uncertain and risky circumstances. In the electronic commerce context, a large number of researchers have proposed both conceptual and empirical studies of trust.  Some researchers viewed trust as a general belief that another party can be trusted (Gefen 2000; Hosmer 1995; Moorman, Zaltman & Deshpande 1992). One of the most popular studies on electronic commerce
trust is the one conducted by Mayer, Davis and Schoorman (1995) who viewed trust as a trustor’ s intention to take a risk and proposed the trustor ‘s perceptions about a trustee’ s characteristics as the main predictors of trust. Another commonly cited study is the conceptual model of McKnight, Cummings and Chervany (1998) where the researchers defined trust as trusting beliefs and trusting intention only in uncertain and risky situations and the approach was widely tested by later studies. For example, Schlosser, White and Lloyd (2006) adopted the model and viewed trust as a way to reduce uncertainty and complexity in website consumers.  Among other studies is the one that identified trust as a buyer’s perception of appropriate conditions being in place to facilitate transaction success with online sellers (Pavlou and Gefen, 2004).  As pointed out by Sonja (2002), trust plays a crucial role in the development of electronic business and some relevant factors in the emergence of trust problems in on transactions should be therefore analyzed. In this paper, the definition of trust in the Internet shopping context proposed by Rousseau (1998) will be employed. According to the author, trust is a psychological   condition comprising the intention to accept vulnerability based on positive expectations of another party’ s intention or behavior, in interdependent and risky environment (Rousseau, 1998).
2.2.        Factors impacting trust in Internet shopping

In the electronic commerce context, there are several factors considered as predictors of trust in online vendors as proposed by previous researchers. They are reputation, size, perceived service quality and perceived website quality. Customer s perceptions of a company s profile include reputation as well as and affect trust in the process of Internet shopping. Jarvenpaa and Tractinsky (1999) considered size and reputation to be the predictors of trust. For example, the authors
Believed that larger companies were more likely to be around longer and larger and more reputable ones might be more trusted by customer
(Jarvenpaa & Tractinsky, 1999).  Other researchers also viewed reputation and size as important factors forming consumer trust (Grazioli & Jarvenpaa, 2000; Pavlou, 2003; Kim, Xu & Koh, 2004; Koufaris & Hampton-Sosa, 2004).
                                      Customers’   perceptions of a company’s service quality affect trust in online shopping (Daignault, 2001). It seems to be the most significant factor of maintaining trust and building e-retailer – customer relationships, according to Kim and Tadisina (2007). As Anderson and Fornell (1994) observed in their study, a high level of service quality is likely to cause a high level of customer satisfaction which will lead to a customer’ s positive experience and understanding of the company.   In this way,customer’s trusting beliefs as well as trusting attitude are confirmed (Kim & Tadisina, 2007). The perceived service quality includes warranties (Grazioli & Jarvenpaa, 2000), guarantees (Pennington, Wilcox & Grover, 2003-2004), and customized services and delivery performance (Doney & Cannon, 1997), as well as the general concept of company s service quality (Gefen, 2002; Kim, Xu, & Koh, 2004).  Perceived website quality also plays an important role in determining consumer trust in online shopping (McKnight, Choudhury, & Kacmar, 2002; Araujo, 2003; Kim, Xu, & Koh, 2004).  Websites that are perceived easy to use and of good quality are more
Like to build a high level trust in consumers (Wakefield, Stocks, &
Wilder, 2004; Want & Benbasat, 2005)

2.3.        Risk aversion
The term risk aversion is defined as “the extent to which people feel threatened by an ambiguous situation, and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these” (Hofstede & Bond, 1984, p419).  People with high risk aversion tend to feel threatened by risky and ambiguous situations (Hofstede, 1991).  Bao, Zhou and Su (2003) Examined the effects of risk aversion, one of the most important cultural dimensions, on consumer decision-making and compared two consumer decision-making styles under cultural differences between United  States  and  Nepal.  In order to maintain the within-group harmony in China as a typically collectivistic society, people are expected to behave as a group (Bao, Zhou, & Su, 2003), and risk-taking behavior is often discouraged (Tse, 1996).
                          Another similar study on risk aversion affecting consumers’   decision making is carried out by Shimp and Bearden (1982) who found that highly risk-averse customers are likely to search for more information regarding product quality when they make
Purchasing decisions.  On the other hand, as suggested by Seenkamp,
Hofstede and Wedel (1999), people with low risk aversion feel less threatened by ambiguous and novel circumstances and tend to feel
excited by the purchase of new and innovative products.
According to the rationale proposed by Raju (1980), the optimum stimulation level, defined as a property that characterized a person in terms of his general response to environmental stimuli, is positively related to both risk-taking behavior and switching behavior. Based on this rationale, Ranaweera, Bansal and McDougall (2008) examined the effect of risk aversion as one of consumer characteristics on the purchase intention on the Internet. However, the research focused on the effect of risk aversion on the relationship between website satisfaction of consumers and their purchase intention (Bao, Zhou, & Su, 2003). In this paper, the emphasis will be on examining the possible impact of risk aversion on the relationship between consumers’ trust and the behavioral intentions.

               2.4. Outcomes of trust in Internet shopping

Consumers’   purchase intention is one of the common behavioral dimensions resulting from their trust in Internet shopping (Boulding, Kalra, Staelin, & Zeithaml, 1993). Previous research on the relationship between consumer trust and purchase intentionby McKnight and Chervany (2002) found out that when customers hold high level of
Trust they are more willing to depend on the Internet vendor and make online purchases

3.       Research Model and Hypotheses
3.1.        Model
Based on the literature review, a conceptual model has been designed to study the effects of perceived company’ s reputation, Online payment method, Delivery on time ,size, perceived service quality and website  quality on  consumer trust in Internet shopping  and also the  effect of risk aversion on the relationship between consumer trust and purchase intention as a moderator .





                                                              Figure 1 Conceptual Framework


                    This research was designed to fill the gap in the existing body of knowledge
Regards attitudes towards online shopping and differences in electronic services quality
Perception between two different geographical and cultural countries, in addition this research extended previous effort in online shopping context by providing evidence that service quality increase consumer trust perception, which in turn results in favorable attitude toward online shopping, with risk perception moderating the impact on consumer’s trust. In many previous researches, focus has been found in the relationship between consumer trust and its antecedents.  Researchers have also established that online purchase intentions are the product of consumer trust. The objective of this study is to reexamine some factors affecting consumer trust in
Online shopping in various parts of country as well as to investigate the effect of risk aversion as a moderator on the relationship between trusts and purchase intention. This paper provided
Evidence that trust in Internet shopping is built on high service quality as well as website quality. Size of online retailers is found to be negatively related to trust. Notably, risk aversion moderates negatively on the effect of trust toward consumer purchase intention. Implications and suggestions for further research are also provided in the study

Table of contents
1.   Introduction……………………………………
2.   Literature review………………………………
3.   Research model and hypotheses………………
4.   Methodology…………………………………..
5.   Findings and Analysis…………………………
6.   Discussions and Implications……..
7.   Limitations and Future Research…
8.   Conclusion………………………………..

    List of Figures  

List of Tables

1.            Introduction

1.1.        Statement of the problem

The adoption of the Internet as a way to purchase goods and services has seen an increasing trend over the past two decades globally. Compared to traditional shopping, the Internet not only facilitates transactions between buyers and sellers from anywhere at any time, but also provides a wide range of product choices and a platform for exchanging ideas for customers with low costs. To achieve the success of electronic commerce, companies place great emphasis on attracting customers continuously and building long-term relationship with customers on the web. However, people still remain reluctant to make purchases on the Internet due to the lack of trust toward businesses in the new electronic environment. Past researches have indicated that consumers’ lack of trust constituted a key barrier to the use of Internet shopping as well as long-term commitment to the relationship building. According to NEPSOL and Report on ecommerce Trends in Nepal, (2015) identified lack of consumer trust in Internet vendors as a major factor inhibiting online purchases. Trust plays an essential role for facilitating online transactions between consumers and electronic retailers and realizing the development of e-commerce to consumers in the Nepal

1.2.      Objectives of study

Although the Internet offers enormous advantages which seem to attract massive interest of customers, recent survey showed that the penetration rate of online purchasing stayed relatively low, especially in Nepal.
According to the most recent survey on NEPSOL and Report on ecommerce Trends in Nepal the popularity of online shopping among all Internet users has just show few percentage in the Some Major cities in 2015. However, previous studies that only focus on trust of consumers provide a limited view of the phenomenon and may hinder a comprehensive understanding of the consumer purchasing behavior in the e-commerce context in Nepal. In part, this stems from the cultural values that shape the consumer characteristics and influence the relationship between trust and consumer purchase intention on the web. Previous Literature and Report on ecommerce Trends in Nepal, observed that risk aversion as one of the cultural dimensions affects consumers’ decision-making. As trust indicates the level of consumers’ perceived risk in the Internet shopping, different degrees of their risk aversion may have non-ignorable effects on the online buying behavior


2.      Literature Review

2.1.        The concept of trust in Internet shopping
Before a review of previous literatures on trust in the context of Internet shopping, we first need to have a look at general definitions of trust in various disciplines. The concept “trust” is defined as the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other will perform a particular action important to the trust or, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party (Mayer, Davis and Schoorman, 1995). This definition is widely
Recognized and commonly cited in other researchers’   work.  Later
Doney and Cannon (1997) defined trust as the perceived credibility and benevolence of a target of trust. According to another two researchers,  Lewis and Weigert (1985),  trust is  further identified  as  “the understanding of a risky course of action on the confident expectation that all persons involved in the action will act competently and dutifully”
(p.971). And precisely, Bhattacharya, Devinney and Pillutla (1998) and Boon and Holmes (1991) conceived trust as predictability and reliance upon another person under uncertain and risky circumstances. In the electronic commerce context, a large number of researchers have proposed both conceptual and empirical studies of trust.  Some researchers viewed trust as a general belief that another party can be trusted (Gefen 2000; Hosmer 1995; Moorman, Zaltman & Deshpande 1992). One of the most popular studies on electronic commerce
trust is the one conducted by Mayer, Davis and Schoorman (1995) who viewed trust as a trustor’ s intention to take a risk and proposed the trustor ‘s perceptions about a trustee’ s characteristics as the main predictors of trust. Another commonly cited study is the conceptual model of McKnight, Cummings and Chervany (1998) where the researchers defined trust as trusting beliefs and trusting intention only in uncertain and risky situations and the approach was widely tested by later studies. For example, Schlosser, White and Lloyd (2006) adopted the model and viewed trust as a way to reduce uncertainty and complexity in website consumers.  Among other studies is the one that identified trust as a buyer’s perception of appropriate conditions being in place to facilitate transaction success with online sellers (Pavlou and Gefen, 2004).  As pointed out by Sonja (2002), trust plays a crucial role in the development of electronic business and some relevant factors in the emergence of trust problems in on transactions should be therefore analyzed. In this paper, the definition of trust in the Internet shopping context proposed by Rousseau (1998) will be employed. According to the author, trust is a psychological   condition comprising the intention to accept vulnerability based on positive expectations of another party’ s intention or behavior, in interdependent and risky environment (Rousseau, 1998).
2.2.        Factors impacting trust in Internet shopping

In the electronic commerce context, there are several factors considered as predictors of trust in online vendors as proposed by previous researchers. They are reputation, size, perceived service quality and perceived website quality. Customer s perceptions of a company s profile include reputation as well as and affect trust in the process of Internet shopping. Jarvenpaa and Tractinsky (1999) considered size and reputation to be the predictors of trust. For example, the authors
Believed that larger companies were more likely to be around longer and larger and more reputable ones might be more trusted by customer
(Jarvenpaa & Tractinsky, 1999).  Other researchers also viewed reputation and size as important factors forming consumer trust (Grazioli & Jarvenpaa, 2000; Pavlou, 2003; Kim, Xu & Koh, 2004; Koufaris & Hampton-Sosa, 2004).
                                      Customers’   perceptions of a company’s service quality affect trust in online shopping (Daignault, 2001). It seems to be the most significant factor of maintaining trust and building e-retailer – customer relationships, according to Kim and Tadisina (2007). As Anderson and Fornell (1994) observed in their study, a high level of service quality is likely to cause a high level of customer satisfaction which will lead to a customer’ s positive experience and understanding of the company.   In this way,customer’s trusting beliefs as well as trusting attitude are confirmed (Kim & Tadisina, 2007). The perceived service quality includes warranties (Grazioli & Jarvenpaa, 2000), guarantees (Pennington, Wilcox & Grover, 2003-2004), and customized services and delivery performance (Doney & Cannon, 1997), as well as the general concept of company s service quality (Gefen, 2002; Kim, Xu, & Koh, 2004).  Perceived website quality also plays an important role in determining consumer trust in online shopping (McKnight, Choudhury, & Kacmar, 2002; Araujo, 2003; Kim, Xu, & Koh, 2004).  Websites that are perceived easy to use and of good quality are more
Like to build a high level trust in consumers (Wakefield, Stocks, &
Wilder, 2004; Want & Benbasat, 2005)

2.3.        Risk aversion
The term risk aversion is defined as “the extent to which people feel threatened by an ambiguous situation, and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these” (Hofstede & Bond, 1984, p419).  People with high risk aversion tend to feel threatened by risky and ambiguous situations (Hofstede, 1991).  Bao, Zhou and Su (2003) Examined the effects of risk aversion, one of the most important cultural dimensions, on consumer decision-making and compared two consumer decision-making styles under cultural differences between United  States  and  Nepal.  In order to maintain the within-group harmony in China as a typically collectivistic society, people are expected to behave as a group (Bao, Zhou, & Su, 2003), and risk-taking behavior is often discouraged (Tse, 1996).
                          Another similar study on risk aversion affecting consumers’   decision making is carried out by Shimp and Bearden (1982) who found that highly risk-averse customers are likely to search for more information regarding product quality when they make
Purchasing decisions.  On the other hand, as suggested by Seenkamp,
Hofstede and Wedel (1999), people with low risk aversion feel less threatened by ambiguous and novel circumstances and tend to feel
excited by the purchase of new and innovative products.
According to the rationale proposed by Raju (1980), the optimum stimulation level, defined as a property that characterized a person in terms of his general response to environmental stimuli, is positively related to both risk-taking behavior and switching behavior. Based on this rationale, Ranaweera, Bansal and McDougall (2008) examined the effect of risk aversion as one of consumer characteristics on the purchase intention on the Internet. However, the research focused on the effect of risk aversion on the relationship between website satisfaction of consumers and their purchase intention (Bao, Zhou, & Su, 2003). In this paper, the emphasis will be on examining the possible impact of risk aversion on the relationship between consumers’ trust and the behavioral intentions.

               2.4. Outcomes of trust in Internet shopping

Consumers’   purchase intention is one of the common behavioral dimensions resulting from their trust in Internet shopping (Boulding, Kalra, Staelin, & Zeithaml, 1993). Previous research on the relationship between consumer trust and purchase intentionby McKnight and Chervany (2002) found out that when customers hold high level of
Trust they are more willing to depend on the Internet vendor and make online purchases

3.       Research Model and Hypotheses
3.1.        Model
Based on the literature review, a conceptual model has been designed to study the effects of perceived company’ s reputation, Online payment method, Delivery on time ,size, perceived service quality and website  quality on  consumer trust in Internet shopping  and also the  effect of risk aversion on the relationship between consumer trust and purchase intention as a moderator .





                                                              Figure 1 Conceptual Framework
