Trump backs 'One China' policy in first call with Xi

Trump backs 'One China' policy in first call with Xi


WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump agreed to honour the United States' "One China" policy during a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping, the White House said on Friday (Feb 10), as he took steps to improve ties after angering Beijing by talking to Taiwan's leader.
A White House statement said the two leaders had a lengthy phone conversation on Thursday night (Washington time), and this is the first since the US president was inaugurated.
It also came hours before Trump is to play host to Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe at the White House and later, at his Palm Beach, Florida, retreat.
The White House said Trump and Xi discussed numerous topics.
"President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honour our 'one China' policy," the statement said. "Representatives of the United States and China will engage in discussions and negotiations on various issues of mutual interest."
The call was described as "extremely cordial" with both leaders expressing best wishes to their peoples.
"They also extended invitations to meet in their respective countries. President Trump and President Xi look forward to further talks with very successful outcomes," the statement said. 
Trump had earlier sent a letter to Xi, belatedly wishing a happy Lunar New Year, which was broadly welcomed by Chinese media
The overseas edition of state media People's Daily, for one, said in a front-page commentary that the letter was an opening to help manage friction. "There's a saying in China - good food is worth waiting for," it wrote. 
China Daily, too, gave a positive reaction, saying the letter conveys the "reassuring" message that bilateral relations are still on the right track despite speculation that Trump and his team may abandon the One China policy. 
The US president had upset China last December by taking a phone call from Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen, and led to the Chinese lodging a diplomatic protest.

